1. General Information

Microsoft has removed the RBAC role "ApplicationImpersonation" as of February 2025.

As a result, the method previously used in sklera (Office365 OAuth 2.0 User Permission) for Exchange Online (Office365) integration is no longer functional.

With this transition, sklera must now use Application Permissions instead of Delegated (User) Permissions. The permissions for the app are managed through a Management Role Assignment and RBAC for Applications. No special API permissions are required for the app. As before, this ensures that the sklera app only has access to specific corporate mailboxes.

2. Migration

The following steps are necessary to transition to (Office365 OAuth 2.0 Application Permission).

2.1 Microsoft Entra ID

2.1.1 Note app information

Go to, click on the "Applications > App registrations" menu item  and select your app (e.g., sklera Exchange Connector).

The following IDs must be noted:

- Application (client) ID

- Directory (tenant) ID

This information will be needed later in the sklera Room Manager to establish the Exchange connection.

2.1.2 Create Client Secret  

If you do not know your previously used client secret, a new one must be created.

To do this, navigate to the "Certificates & Secrets" menu item and click on the "New Client Secret" button.

2.1.3 Note the value of the Client Secret  

The value of the "Client Secret" will be needed later in the sklera Room Manager to establish the Exchange connection.

2.1.4 Note Enterprise App Information  

Click on the "Applications > Enterprise applications" menu item and select your app (e.g. sklera Exchange Connector).

The following IDs must be noted:

- Application ID

- Object ID

This information will be needed later in Exchange Online to create a service principal.

2.2 Exchange online (PowerShell)

2.2.1 Open Microsoft PowerShell and connect to Exchange Online


2.2.2 Create a service principal for the app

New-ServicePrincipal -AppId aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa -ObjectId oooooooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooooooooooo -DisplayName "skleraExchangeConnector"

Info: For AppId and ObjectId, use the data from the "Enterprise Applications" menu (not from the "App registrations" menu).

2.2.3 Create Management Role Assignment

Access permissions to the room mailboxes can still be defined by specifying the existing custom resource scope.

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -App oooooooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooooooooooo -Role "Application EWS.AccessAsApp" -CustomResourceScope "sklera-allowedRooms-scope" -Name SKLERA_EWS_ACCESS

-App = Object ID from the "Enterprise applications" menu

-CustomResourceScope = Name of the existing management scope

Info: If you do not know the name of your previously used management scope, it can be retrieved using the command Get-ManagementScope.

2.2.4 Remove the Previously Used Management Role Assignment  

The previously used management role assignment, which assigned the "ApplicationImpersonation" role and the management scope to a service user, can be removed.

2.2.5 Test Access Permissions

The test indicates whether sklera has access to the specified room mailbox: inScope = True / False.

Test-ServicePrincipalAuthorization -Identity oooooooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooooooooooo -Resource galileo

-Identity = Object ID from the "Enterprise applications" menu

-Resource = Name of the room mailbox


Application EWS.AccessAsAppEWS.AccessAsAppsklera-allowedRooms-scopeGroupTrue

2.3 sklera CMS

The existing connection to the Exchange calendars must be unlinked in the sklera CMS in "Modules > Room Manager > Connections & Settings > Exchange / Office365". To do this, click on "Unlink Calendar".

To do this, click on the "Link Calendar" button.

EWS URLExchange Online URL (do not change)
Server Version

Select Exchange2016

SSL ValidationSSL validation must be enabled
EWS ImpersonationEWS impersonation must be enabled
Gültige SMTP AdresseA valid email address must be entered (necessary for querying the room lists). This can be, for example, the SMTP address of a room or a separate mailbox that is within the scope.
Auth TypeSelect Office365 OAuth 2.0 (Application Permission)
Azure Verzeichnis IDEnter the previously noted Directory (tenant) ID (from the App registrations menu)
Azure App IDEnter the previously noted Application (client) ID (from the App registrations menu)
Azure App SecretEnter the previously noted value of the client secret (from the App registrations menu)

2.3.3 Perform test sync of a room

Navigate to the "Rooms" menu and click on "Refresh connected Calendar" for a connected room in the options.